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HOY x UMA GAIA Power of Sound : APRIL Quartz Sound Training

  • HOY PARIS 68 Rue des Martyrs Paris, IDF, 75009 France (carte)


“The problem of increasing human energy” from 1900. In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.”
— Nikola Tesla

Join me for a two-day immersion training in Quartz Sound Healing Training. This training is open to all persons, no matter the age, profession or level of understanding of sound healing or Quartz! The training will take place on two four-hour days, in total of eight hours. At the end of this training, you will receive an internationally accepted certification in the Power of Sound.

The Quartz sound bowls, heal/align any vibrational blocks, densities and rebalance the energetic body. Each Quartz bowl is one musical note, which is the purest tone (perfect pitch) of this note and directly corresponds to one of the seven major energy centers in the body (also known as the Chakras). The Quartz bowls will tune, activate and balance each energy center. Each energy center directly connects to specific physical glands and vital organs, emotions, mental clarity and spiritual consciousness. The Quartz bowls put the mind into an alpha and theta brainwave state which is commonly known as a state of deep peace, meditation and deep relaxation. As each energy center (Chakra) is cleared the energy will move more freely and ultimately bringing more alignment into your life.  

Included in the Training: 

  • The Science of Quartz & Sound Therapy

  • The History of Sound Healing & Quartz

  • Connecting & Playing

  • Octave / Alchemy & Voice

  • The Foundation to Chakra System

  • The Importance of Working with Intention & How

  • Integration of Sound Therapy: Home/Community/Animals/Etc.

  • Reading Recommendations & Other Everyday Tools & Support (Including how/where to purchase Quartz bowls) 

  • Protection & Cleansing Sequences

  • Follow-Up 30min call to assist in the purchasing of your Quartz crystal bowls and any other questions

A Facts on Quartz:

Dr. Marcel Vogel is the father of Quartz crystal healing. Dr. Marcel Vogel was at the forefront of understanding that when Quartz is cut at a specific temperature, angle and speed the geometric rations directly amplify the energies stored within the crystal – making it electromagnetic. Quartz crystal is a conductor, receiver and receptor for electromagnetic energy to give you a modern-day example it is what enables you to use your cellphone it is in radios – it is the tuner that connects all energy. Marcel Vogel was a leading phosphor chemist, physicist and spiritual scientist. He has over 32 patents and was the lead research scientist at IBM from 1957 -1984. Since Quartz can conduct and be a receptor for energy in our everyday technological life, it can also do the same thing for our energetic bodies. It has the capacities to connect to our energy blocks and release the energy.

A few of the benefits:

  • feeling lighter

  • healthier eating patterns

  • the sense of feeling alive

  • clarity of thought

  • the release of deep seeded emotional blocks

  • sound sleep

  • cellular restructuring of the water molecules in the physical body

  • elevated energy levels

  • decreased depression & anxiety

  • spiritual transformation

  • the falling away of physical ailments

  • the ability to more profoundly intuit one's path and life purpose

  • physical harmony 

  • a state of flow

“The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a crystalline state of perfection and balance. When it is precisely cut to the proper geometric form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection in the vibration of love, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the power and grasp of the user’s mind. Imagined thought intent is amplified. Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this extremely benevolent energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will. This I know to be true.”
— Dr. Marcel Vogel

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