April 23rd Total Solar Eclipse Aries
This is the first powerful total solar eclipse of 2023; we will honor it in totality. Knowing that the effects of this astrological event will stay with us up to six months. This eclipse will focus on the importance of self-mastery, self-empowerment and stepping into our authentic self. The energy of Aries will offer us bravery, gusto, and the confidence to relinquish all things holding us back and the personal courage to open new doors, projects an avenue to our life.
Note: We will take part in hands-on-activities, sharing, breathwork and acupressure
Présentez-vous 10 minutes avant l'événement
Venir en tenue confortable
Pass sanitaire requis
En cas d'annulation:
+ 48h avant le début de l'atelier -> nous vous proposons de transformer votre paiement en avoir
- 48h avant le début de l'atelier -> le paiement est perdu